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Opic company & product 관련 script 1 Q. Pretend that you need some additional information about your company's new service or product. Contact a coworker and ask three or four questions about this new service or product. A. Hi Mike, I heard that we will launch a new smart phone soon. Before the phone is launched, I think I have to know about it. Could I ask you questions about it? First of all, how exactly are our clients going to .. 2022. 3. 20.
OPIC vacation 관련 script 3 Q. Have you had experiences where you had to change or cancle your vacation plans? What happend and how did you resolve the situation? A. My friend and I planned a trip to Osaka in Japan. Finally, we booked a flight and a lodging. We were waiting for the day of traveling and talked about how to make the trip more enjoyable. One day, one of my friends said that he will get married soon. I was hap.. 2022. 3. 20.
OPIC vacation 관련 script 2 Q. The vacation you want is not available. Call your friend, leave a message, and suggest 2-3 alternatives. A. Hi, Tom! Did you hear about that? I got the message that 7 days Europe travel package that we reserved was canceled. Covid-19 in Europe has become more serious, so some countries blocked entry of travelers. And they suggested other packages that can replace the package. In my opinion, w.. 2022. 3. 17.
OPIC vacation 관련 script Q. You are planning a vacation with your friend. Call a travel agency and ask 3-4 questions about what kind of vacations they have. A. Hi, is this B travel agency? I hope to go on a trip after a long time. I forget about planning a trip, so I need your help. Covid-19 is almost gone in Korea, but it is still serious in some countries. So, could you recommend countries that are good to travel with.. 2022. 3. 15.