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OPIC Project 관련 스크립트 3 Q. What work assignment did you find interesting or exciting? Please tell me about that assignment in as many detail as possible. Please tell me when the project occurred, what exactly the project was, some of the particular challenges that you had to overcome, and how you solved those challenges. A. I recently got the task of making a remote control service with android. I'm working with the de.. 2022. 4. 24.
OPIC Project 관련 스크립트 1 Q. Your boss has just given you a new project and has asked you to come to a meeting. Please ask three or four questions concerning what you will be doing for the new project. A. Director Kim, before I get to work on this project, I have a few questions that I'd like you to answer. I hope you don't mind my asking them. First, I'm already working on another project. Is this new project more impor.. 2022. 3. 31.
OPIC company & product 관련 script 3 Q. You must have some memorable experiences working with your company's products or services. Perhaps you've had some dificulties, or perhaps there were some weird or surprising situations. I would like you to tell me about a specific experience you had working at your job while giving me as many as details as possible. A. I work in the research and development department. So, it often shows wha.. 2022. 3. 27.
Opic company & product 관련 script 1 Q. Pretend that you need some additional information about your company's new service or product. Contact a coworker and ask three or four questions about this new service or product. A. Hi Mike, I heard that we will launch a new smart phone soon. Before the phone is launched, I think I have to know about it. Could I ask you questions about it? First of all, how exactly are our clients going to .. 2022. 3. 20.