
OPIC vacation 관련 script 3

아도리 2022. 3. 20. 00:17


Have you had experiences where you had to change or cancle your vacation plans?

What happend and how did you resolve the situation?



My friend and I planned a trip to Osaka in Japan.

Finally, we booked a flight and a lodging.

We were waiting for the day of traveling and talked about how to make the trip more enjoyable.

One day, one of my friends said that he will get married soon.

I was happy to hear that but it made me a little embarrassed.

His wedding day is confilct with the travel schedule.

I cannot be absent because he is one of my circle of friends so I hope to attend and celebrate it.

Fortunately, my travel buudy is also his friend, so we decided to change our travel schedule.

We could change our schedule with minimal penalty fee.


과거에 여행 일정을 변경하거나 취소하게되는 상황에 대해 설명하는 답변을 요구하는 질문입니다.

저는 친구 결혼식과 다른 친구와 미리 계획/예약한 여행 일정이 겹치는 상황이 생겨 약간의 위약금을 내고 일정을 변경한 상황에 대해 설명하였습니다.


Lodging : 숙박, 하숙

Circle of friends : 단짝 친구