
OPIC 쇼핑 관련 Script

아도리 2022. 3. 13. 18:06


Talk about a time you went shopping.

Who did you go with? Where did you go to?

What did you buy?

Was there a memorable incident while you went shopping?



Frankly speaking, I don't like shopping.

But I love playing video game so sometimes I go shopping to see or buy game CDs.

There is no one around me who likes video games so I always go alone.

A week ago, I went to a game shop that is near my home for window shopping.

I was supposed to just window shop because I ran out of money this month.

But I couldn't resist to buy the CD when I saw it.

If I didn't buy it, it would have a hard time to find it.

I felt that I found a hidden treasure.

I had to eat only bread with Choco jam for the rest of the month, but I felt happy for buying it.


Frankly speaking(= Frankly) : 솔직히 말해서(≒To be honest(Honestly))

Run out of : 간당간당하다. 다 써버렸다.

Window shopping : eye shopping(아이쇼핑은 한국에서만 쓰는 용어), 사지 않고 구경하는 쇼핑.


쇼핑에 대한 질문(누구와 같이 가는지, 어디로 가는지, 가서 무엇을 사는지, 기억에 남는 일은 무엇인지)에

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