
OPIC Project 관련 스크립트 3

아도리 2022. 4. 24. 23:36


What work assignment did you find interesting or exciting?

Please tell me about that assignment in as many detail as possible.

Please tell me when the project occurred, what exactly the project was, some of the particular challenges that you had to overcome, and how you solved those challenges.



I recently got the task of making a remote control service with android.

I'm working with the development service team, so I usually develop some services.

I developed services as they've alwats been.

But that project has points that are different from what I've had before.

The first thing I developed with an android was a programming language for developing smartphone applications.

I was worried about developing with an android because I hadn't experienced it before.

It didn't take long to realize it wasn't that difficult.

Android is one of famous programming language in the world so there are many references for developing.

And android programming language structure is similar to a language that I used before.

I finally developed remote control service with android and finished project well.