OPIC company & product 관련 script 2
You discover that a new service or product will be unavailable for the next three months.
But a key customer wants to place a substantial order for it immediately.
Contact the proper department, discuss the situation, and provide the person with two or three reasons that explain why this service or product needs to be available as soon as possible.
Hello, director Kim, I heard there's a problem on the assembly line, so we can't manufacture our newest product for three months.
It really is the biggest problem in our company.
There was a similar case before.
But the situation was better than now because the line stopped for a month.
Because of it, the company has lost a lot of money.
The situation is worse now than, so we need to find a solution as soon as possible.
We'll definitely lose accounts if we won't find a solution as early as possible.
We are not only losing the current income but also future hopes.
Our clients are starting to doubt us and some of they ended their contract with us.
Also, consumers won't trust our products, too.
Consumer will not buy our product, even if we find new partner.
It depends on the future of the company.
We need to find a solution to our problem immediately.
We'll do our best.
Please contact me anytime you want.
새로운 서비스나 제품을 세 달 동안 이용할 수 없게 되었으나 고객이 대량 주문을 하고 싶어하는 상황에서
담당 부서에 상황을 설명하고 빨리 재개가 되어야하는 두 세 가지 이유를 말하는 답변을 요구하는 질문입니다.
상황을 설명하고 이러한 경우라면 회사의 금전적인 손해뿐만 아니라 이미지, 신뢰의 손상으로 미래까지 망가질 수 있기에 최선을 다해 상황을 해결해야한다는 답변을 하고 있습니다.
as soon as possible(ASAP) : 가능한 한 빨리(그런데 찾아보니 무례한 표현이라고 하네요... 대신 as soon as you can 이나 as soon as you get a chance, at your earliest convenience, time-sensitive, right away를 써야할 것 같네요.)
Do(Try) one's best : 최선을 다하다